Our Intuition Never Go Wrong
Have you ever heard yourself say these things;
My mind is telling me to do this, but I like that.
I feel this is better…
I don’t think this Is the right option for me…
I know I should not have done that but I could not help it…
Yeah, I’m sure you have; we all do.
Our mind can be likened to a watchman, who guards a place against any form of evil. It keeps a close watch on what we see or think and how our emotions respond to things, but then again, it gathers all forms of knowledge, both seen and unseen, for us and prompts us on them. These aspects of the mind are called the superconscious mind, also called the intuition
It sends information to our conscious minds in promptings, peace, unsettling and other forms that we can relate to. These promptings are like conversation starters to arrive at an objective or decision, as the case may be.
We tend to neglect this aspect in our minds and make fantasies that lead to dark, subjective expectations that cloud our sense of reasoning and often lead to disappointments.
We should stop basing our expectations on fantasies, rather, we should pay attention to those promptings and draw out realistic expectations from them.
We should obey and make peace with our intuition often; it’s peaceful, it has nothing to lose or gain, it won’t deceive us, and we will be happy when we do.